Grade 12 - Biology- SBI4UE (2024-2025, Semester 1)

Welcome to Grade 12 biology!  This course will provide you with the opportunity for in-depth study of the concepts and processes associated with biological systems.  You will study theory and conduct investigations in the areas of metabolic processes. molecular genetics, homeostasis, and population dynamics.  Emphasis will be placed on achievement of the detailed knowledge and refined skills needed for further study in various branches of the life sciences and related fields.  By the end of this course, you will have a thorough understanding of biology and will be able to understand and evaluate various stories in the news and in the world around us.  

Complete each lesson, watch and take notes on every video, and complete the various assignments.  The GIZMO and STEM investigations are excellent and really allow you to use and apply your knowledge and understanding to real world events and investigations.  Enjoy the course and good luck!


By the end of this course, students will:


Unit 1 Biochemistry

  • Analyse technological applications of enzymes in some industrial processes, and evaluate technological advances in the field of cellular biology;
  • Investigate the origins of life, chemical structures, functions, and chemical properties of biological molecules involved in some common cellular processes and biochemical reactions;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the structures and functions of biological molecules, and the biochemical reactions required to maintain normal cellular function.

Unit 2 Metabolic Processes


  • Analyse the role of metabolic processes in the functioning of biotic and abiotic systems, and evaluate the importance of an understanding of these processes and related technologies to personal choices made in everyday life;
  • Investigate the products of metabolic processes such as cellular respiration and photosynthesis;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the chemical changes and energy conversions that occur in metabolic processes.


Unit 3 Molecular Genetics

  • Analyse some of the social, ethical, and legal issues associated with genetic research and biotechnology;
  • Investigate, through laboratory activities, the structures of cell components and their roles in processes that occur within the cell;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of concepts related to molecular genetics, and how genetic modification is applied in industry and agriculture.


Unit 4 Homeostasis


  • Evaluate the impact on the human body of selected chemical substances and of environmental factors related to human activity;
  • Investigate the feedback mechanisms that maintain homeostasis in living organisms;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of human body systems, and explain the mechanisms that enable the body to maintain homeostasis


Unit 5 Population Dynamics


  • Analyse the relationships between population growth, personal consumption, technological
  • development, and our ecological footprint, and assess the effectiveness of some Canadian initiatives intended to assist expanding populations;
  • Investigate the characteristics of population growth, and use models to calculate the growth of populations within an ecosystem;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of concepts related to population growth, and explain the factors that affect the growth of various populations of species.


Physics, Grade 12 - SPH4U - Mingyuan

Course Title: Physics, Grade 12, University Preparation (SPH4U)
Course Code: SPH4U
Grade: 12
Course Type: University Preparation
Credit Value: 1.0
Prerequisite: SPH3U, Physics, Grade 11, University Preparation
Curriculum Policy Document: Science, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, 2008 (Revised)

Course Description

This course enables students to deepen their understanding of physics concepts and theories. Students will continue their exploration of energy transformations and the forces that affect motion, and will investigate electrical, gravitational, and magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation. Students will also explore the wave nature of light, quantum mechanics, and special relativity. They will further develop their scientific investigation skills, learning, for example, how to analyse, qualitatively and quantitatively, data related to a variety of physics concepts and principles. Students will also consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment.

Physics, Grade 12 - SPH4U - Shiyan

Course Title: Physics, Grade 12, University Preparation (SPH4U)
Course Code: SPH4U
Grade: 12
Course Type: University Preparation
Credit Value: 1.0
Prerequisite: SPH3U, Physics, Grade 11, University Preparation
Curriculum Policy Document: Science, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, 2008 (Revised)

Course Description

This course enables students to deepen their understanding of physics concepts and theories. Students will continue their exploration of energy transformations and the forces that affect motion, and will investigate electrical, gravitational, and magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation. Students will also explore the wave nature of light, quantum mechanics, and special relativity. They will further develop their scientific investigation skills, learning, for example, how to analyse, qualitatively and quantitatively, data related to a variety of physics concepts and principles. Students will also consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment.


Course Title: Physics, Grade 12, University Preparation (SPH4U)
Course Code: SPH4U
Grade: 12
Course Type: University Preparation
Credit Value: 1.0
Prerequisite: SPH3U, Physics, Grade 11, University Preparation
Curriculum Policy Document: Science, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, 2008 (Revised)

Course Description

This course enables students to deepen their understanding of physics concepts and theories. Students will continue their exploration of energy transformations and the forces that affect motion, and will investigate electrical, gravitational, and magnetic fields and electromagnetic radiation. Students will also explore the wave nature of light, quantum mechanics, and special relativity. They will further develop their scientific investigation skills, learning, for example, how to analyse, qualitatively and quantitatively, data related to a variety of physics concepts and principles. Students will also consider the impact of technological applications of physics on society and the environment.



Course Title: Chemistry
Course Code: SCH4U
Grade: 12
Course Type: University
Credit Value: 1.0
Prerequisite: SCH3U, Chemistry, Grade 11, University
Curriculum Policy Document: Science, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, 2008

This course enables students to deepen their understanding of chemistry through the study of organic chemistry, energy changes and rates of reaction, chemical systems and equilibrium, electrochemistry, and atomic and molecular structure. Students will further develop problem-solving and laboratory skills as they investigate chemical processes, at the same time refining their ability to communicate scientific information. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of chemistry in daily life, and on evaluating the impact of chemical technology on the environment.

Grade 12 - Chemistry - 2024-SCH4U-Mingyuan

Course Title: Chemistry

Course Code: SCH4U
Grade: 12
Course Type: University
Credit Value: 1.0
Prerequisite: SCH3U, Chemistry, Grade 11, University
Curriculum Policy Document: Science, The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12, 2008

This course enables students to deepen their understanding of chemistry through the study of organic chemistry, energy changes and rates of reaction, chemical systems and equilibrium, electrochemistry, and atomic and molecular structure. Students will further develop problem-solving and laboratory skills as they investigate chemical processes, at the same time refining their ability to communicate scientific information. Emphasis will be placed on the importance of chemistry in daily life, and on evaluating the impact of chemical technology on the environment.